
Why Acoustic Flooring is a Must for Commercial Buildings and Apartments

Blog |August 31st, 2017

As housing complexes stack compartmentalised living spaces, their residents are forced closer together. In tall office buildings, corporate types experience a similar squeeze. The downside of vertical stacking is floor noise. That noise propagates through the floor, penetrates the ceiling below, and disturbs lower level occupants. If you’ve ever lived in such surroundings, you’ll know all about such annoying conditions. Happily, acoustic flooring technology is designed to stop floor-produced noise.

Why is Acoustic Flooring a Must-have Building Feature? 

Perhaps a 6 AM labourer, clomping up and down his apartment floor in heavy work boots, is the cause of poor sleep. Meanwhile, back at the office, it’s a pair of high heels that are clacking, seemingly on the ceiling of the floor below, and the persistent click-clacking is reducing office productivity. Acoustic flooring exists solely to neutralize this vibratory energy at its source. Regular carpets are a start, of course, but they merely dull the sounds of heavy footfalls. If loud televisions and louder stereo systems, plus those heavy feet, are to be completely silenced, a more dynamic, targeted solution is mandated.

Controlling the Floor Vibrations 

The goal is simple: stop airborne and contact noise on the problem floor by introducing a vibration dampening layer, perhaps an underlayer that’s situated under the carpeting. Advanced felting and foam-filled underlayments form a buffering covering between carpets and hard floors. They attenuate foot traffic, block loud music, and silence loud, cussing neighbours. It’s thanks to this acoustic flooring solution that sleep patterns are restored in apartments. Additionally, the system also works in reverse. Imagine a night shift worker. He goes to bed at five in the morning, so he doesn’t want to be awakened by a family attending to their morning activities. After all, it’s easy enough for this shift worker to pull a pair of curtains together and block the morning sun, but it’s not quite so easy to still an upper apartment’s morning routines, not without a potent floor soundproofing system.

The same spongy polymer-laced under layers stop loud intra-office conversations from hampering company productivity at desk level. Meanwhile, more active acoustic flooring solutions add PU (Polyurethane) laminates and fibre glass panels to the noise attenuating product line, and these laminated strips install below the floor. They stop dance studio sounds, gym noise, and that top-of-the-building air conditioner racket that transmits itself through ceilings as a squealing howl of slipping rubber belts. Equipped with these active acoustic flooring systems, apartments enjoy a richer daily routine while thin-walled office complexes experience a significant rise in worker productivity.

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